I'm a Dreamcatcher & THE Mother of three super amazing personalities!
On these pages I share my passion for embrassing challenges in our everyday life, transforming them into positive energy, character, personal empowerment and a beautiful personal lifestyle. My point of view is that a life without challenges either is fake or a life put on hold. Where there's no challenges, there is no life or action! And no character, really. is my personal Power Blog about Summer, Travel & Survival - If you are a dreamer, exhausted parent, business owner or just looking for some inspiration - THIS BLOG IS FOR YOU. Or anyone, really!
Even though my children mean the world to me, this blog is about ME and has the intension to inspire YOUR #MEtime! I believe from the very deepest part of my heart, that by being better on being you, you will probably ENCOURAGE THE BETTER VERSION OF YOU IN EVERY THING you do.
Travel is my drug, so if you're not into all my POWER blogs - jump start to my very best unique TRAVEL pages!